03/25/21 – 2:13 p.m. CDT – The Virtual Event Login issue has been resolved. You should be able to login now.
- To login Go to
Virtual Event Website
If your are not registered you will need to register on the virtual event website. The deadline for registration is Monday, March 22, 11:59 p.m. CDT.
- Scroll down and click on Go to My Event button. Use the same first name, last name, and email address you are registered under.
- You will receive an email from Sigma Tau Delta Convention with your verification code. Please save this code. Enter your verification code. Look in your spam or junk folder If you cannot locate your email with the code. Email [email protected] if you cannot find your code. Staff are available during normal business hours and during the convention to assist you.
- The login opens access to My Event.
- Here you will be able to see the sessions and Join Session.
- You are encouraged to Add Sessions to create My Schedule for you.
- Remember, sessions will be available through on-demand recordings for 90 days following the convention.
- Under the Exhibitor Tab you will find more information and access to our convention sponsors, our convention bookstore, and the Shop English store.