A new opportunity is being offered to participate in—and be included in the program for—the Sigma Tau Delta 2022 International Convention. Convention Co-Chairs Leigh Dillard and Shannin Schroeder have created an event that promotes the very best part of convention: conversation!
Convention attendees are invited to submit a topic and two questions for “Research in the Round,” brief but engaging conversations about literary, theoretical, pedagogical, or writing topics. Participants will circulate from table to table in a timed, speed-style format, where (after a brief introduction) one or two participants attempt to answer the presenter’s questions or may formulate one of their own about the same topic.
Priority will be given to students who are not already listed in the program as presenters. Research in the Round is an option for everyone who isn’t already on the program, not simply those people who submitted a paper to convention and were not subsequently invited to present. Research in the Round provides individuals who would like to travel to the convention but don’t yet have an official role the opportunity to be listed in the program—often a requirement many schools have before providing travel funds to assist students in attending academic conferences and conventions. Hosts for Research in the Round will receive a $10 gift card at The Market, the hotel’s “grab and go” spot.
If you wish to participate as a host, please complete the Research in the Round application form. Research in the Round proposals will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis through January 24.
More about Research in the Round
Apply to be a Research in the Round Table Host
Convention Registration
Convention Venue
Event Schedule Preview
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