
Sigma Tau Delta has taken the plunge into gamification with our new event app. Once you download and login to the Sigma Tau Delta 2017 International Convention mobile app you immediately will begin earning points and unlocking achievements as you set up your profile (earn a whopping 10 points for adding a profile photo!). Actions such as posting status updates, sharing photos, commenting on and liking posts, and reviewing sessions all earn you points allowing you to jockey for position on the top-20 leaderboard. You also will unlock achievements for posting photos and status updates and for rating sessions.

Literary Aficionado Achievements

Achievement unlocked: The Bard

Additionally, tagging and posting check-ins from key convention events will unlock a special series of Literary Aficionado achievements. Progress from Scribbler to Bard status as you attend and talk about these major convention events.

Scavenger Hunt Achievements

Finally, maintain a watchful eye for QR codes strategically placed around the hotel. When you find one, open the QR scanner within our event app, scan the code, and then post a status update from the pop-up screen to unlock a special Scavenger Hunt achievement. Friday night’s SigmaCon will be crawling with QR codes, so make sure to collect them all!


The more active you are within the app the more points you will earn. All attendees appearing on the top-20 leaderboard as of noon EDT on Sunday, April 2, will be entered into a drawing for some amazing prizes.